UN Comtrade

Edited by UN Statistics Division, UN COMTRADE provides detailed statistics on imports and exports of goods and services reported by the statistical authorities of nearly 200 countries/areas since 1962. It is considered to be the most complete database on commerce with ten billions of data.

Premium subscription includes bulk and delivery download from the platform and unlimited API. To generate the API key, once registered for the first time at https://comtradeplus.un.org/, follow instructions on UN Comtrade API Management.

User guide at the page: https://unstats.un.org/wiki/display/comtrade/UN+Comtrade.

Access through a personal registration with Luiss account (@studenti.luiss.it, @luiss.it, @luissbusinessschool.it). From the home page, click on "Login" top right and the on "Sign up now". To register an individual Premium account see the guide How to access UN Comtrade.

UN Statistics Division Trade Statistics office
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account. The Library members and Alumni can access the resource from the Library computers only