The Service Charter is the fundamental tool that defines the relationship between the Library and its users. The document describes the services, timing and type of provision, with reference to resource and performance indicators. The indicators are collected and updated periodically based on the level of user satisfaction.
The Luiss Library, specialized in the field of Social Sciences, is the reference point for the University's research and scientific production and offers constant support to teaching programs.
In accordance with the guidelines proposed by the Conference of Italian University Rectors, it is inspired by the values of:
- access to information;
- dissemination of culture and scientific knowledge;
- cooperation between the libraries and the related institutions;
- development of professionalism.
For the purpose of enhancing the services of the University, the Service Charter has the mission to:
- provide a constantly updated bibliographic heritage in different formats and media, in accordance with the development of innovation models of Didactics and Research;
- introduce tools and strategies for simplified access to all physical and electronic collections, also through advanced training and assistance activities addressed to users;
- promote and enhance the dissemination of scientific research of Faculty, PhDs and Graduate Courses through the management of the institutional archives:
- IRIS: catalog for the integrated management of research data that collects and makes available, in compliance with Copyright Law, the scientific production of the University's Faculty and researchers. The Catalog is also Research Master Data as it automatically updates MIUR databases. Since 2020 IRIS has also been collecting and making available in open access the collection of Doctoral Theses discussed at Luiss since 2008.
- LuissThesis: archive of Degree Theses discussed since the extraordinary session of a.y. 2006/2007. The Archive provides three levels of accessibility: open access, restricted access for institutional users, and full text not available.
In synergy with the University's strategic vision, the Charter aims to:
- adapt to changing contexts;
- participate in the realization of study and sharing experiences in multifunctional and technological environments;
- foster the exchange within the academic community for the creation of new knowledge.
In terms of cooperation, to promote the continuous development of the service, the Library:
- subscribes:
- AIB (Italian Library Association) membership.
- is member of:
- Itale (Italian Association of Ex Libris Users), formed by libraries that use Alma for integrated resource and service management;
- IGeLU (The International Group of Ex Libris Users) international association of 400 libraries from 40 countries.
- adheres to:
- CLOCKSS, an independent nonprofit organization, funded from the fees of member institutions, which ensures the preservation over time of scientific publications in a dark archive not directly accessible to the public. The world's 12 major research libraries form the "nodes" of a vast international network and are responsible for preserving publication backfiles and making them accessible only in times of emergency, to ensure the survival of information even after events that could undermine the integrity of one or more nodes;
- Italian Periodicals Catalogue (ACNP);
- Network Inter-Library Document Exchange (Nilde);
- ESSPER project to enable easy retrieval of individual articles published on journals through perusal of social science periodicals;
- consortium initiatives for negotiations of common interest in the purchase of resources;
- transformative contracts or contracts that provide facilities to publish in open access, negotiated by CARE-CRUI with major international academic publishers;
- CRUI and CARE (the Coordination Group for Access to Electronic Resources formed under the Convention between CRUI and the Consortia and Purchasing Groups operating in Italy) directives.
2.1 Location
Since 1988 the Library has been located on the ground floor in Via di Santa Costanza no. 53 in Rome.
The maximum capacity for consultation and study is 278 seats. The location is equipped with a wireless network.
In addition, the Library dispose of a remote storage that collects monographs and periodicals, accessible only to Library staff.
Library spaces are open and multifunctional environments, divided into:
- Monographs Room
- Periodicals Room
- Political Science Room
- Chinese Library and Multimedia Room
- Refreshment Area
- Economics Room
- Library's Back Office
- Law Room
- Cataloguing Office
- Parking
- Garden
2.2 Facilities
Description | Unit |
Tablet | 15 |
PC Stations | 25 |
Multimedia Whiteboard | 1 |
Scanners | 7 |
Selfcheck Stations | 4 |
Return Boxes | 2 |
Security Gates | 6 |
Library shelving (linear meters) | 4.238 |
Remote Storage shelving (linear meters) | 2.800 |
3.1 Holdings' features
The Library's holdings consist of:
- print resources
- monographs covering the subject area of social sciences;
- periodicals in the field of law, socio-economics and politics.
- electronic resources
- e-books, e-journals and multidisciplinary databases.
- special collections
- Bachelet Collection: book collection of Prof. Vittorio Bachelet, first full professor (from 1969 to 1974) at Luiss, donated by the Bachelet Family to the "Vittorio Bachelet" Research Center on Public Administrations when it was established in 1992. It hosts 1,871 books including monographs and collected works on administrative law and general public law.
- Ungari Collection: book collection of Prof. Paolo Ungari, received as a gift in 1999. It includes 6,681 books on law, human rights, history of law, political history and history of institutions.
- Pujia Collection: book collection of Senator Francesco Pujia, received as a gift in 2000. It is made up of 913 books including monographs, collection of pamphlets on law and criminal law, as well as printed sources of the Fascist criminal codifications of 1930-31 and civil codifications of 1942.
- Foschini Collection: book collection of Prof. Marcello Foschini (Dean of the Faculty of Law from 1988 until 2003, Deputy Rector from 2002 to 2005 and Rector of Luiss from June 16, 2005 to September 30, 2006, as well as Full Professor in Luiss), received as a gift in 2022. It includes 1,421 books on commercial law, corporate law and public law.
- Pellicani Collection: book collection of Luigi Luciano Pellicani, professor emeritus at Luiss, donated by the Pellicani Family in 2022. It includes about 6,500 books on sociology and political science.
- Di Taranto Collection: book collection of Giuseppe Di Taranto, professor at Luiss, received as a gift in 2023. It includes 900 books on European economic policy, international financial crisis, history and economic development theory.
- thematic collections:
- Art Collection: includes a selection of books on art, architecture and design.
- Marcello Tita Collection: includes books dedicated to the theme of friendship in memory of former Luiss student Marcello Tita, who passed aways prematurely.
- Chinese Library: a library created through a trilateral agreement between Luiss, Renmin University and The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, with the aim of creating a cultural network and developing multilateral relations between China and Italy. The Chinese Library includes print and electronic resources on the following subjects: Chinese art and culture, Chinese language and literature, and social sciences.
In addition, the Library maintains the initial core titles of books and periodicals in a remote storage.
3.2 Holdings' Development
The Library's holdings are constantly increased through consistent development of print and electronic collections, in accordance with the Library's mission.
Holdings development policies respond to the University's diverse didactic and research needs, covering all disciplines of interest at Luiss, with a focus on financial, economic-business, econometric, statistical-mathematical, law, socio-political and historical areas.
Holdings acquisition and increasing policies are detailed in the Collection Development Policy.
4.1 Access and consultation of print resources
The print resources, distributed in the Library's Rooms, are normally located on open shelves and can be consulted directly by users.
Service | access and consultation |
Recipients | institutional users; external users |
Type of provision | direct access: resources located on open shelves; |
Indicators | circulation statistics of print books |
4.2 Access and consultation of electronic resources
Electronic resources are accessible from the Library's PC stations, on and off-campus.
Service | access and consultation |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | access through OpenAthens |
Indicators | number of downloads |
4.3 Tools for bibliographic research
The Library enables the search of the bibliographic resources through the following open access tools:
- discovery, an integrated search engine for resources owned by the Library and print freely accessible online.
- journal search, search engine for periodicals and e-journals owned by the Library.
- A-Z list, list of subscribed databases with a brief description of the content and the access methods for each resource.
4.4 Orientation to services and resources
The service is available in presence and/or remotely in order to guide users in the use of services and resources
Service | orientation to services and resources |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | in presence |
Indicators | user satisfaction level |
4.5 Ask a Librarian
The online reference service responds to specialized searches that include information on sources and resources concerning one or more research fields.
Service | ask a librarian |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
4.6 User education
The service is provided in-person and remotely with the aim of enabling the acquisition of basic skills in the retrieval of print and electronic bibliographic resources. Training sessions, based on specific needs, can cover single resources or specific topics.
Service | user education |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | in presence |
Indicators | user satisfaction level |
4.7 Luiss App
The application integrates the Library's Discovery to enable the search of bibliographic material.
4.8 Borrow, renew, return
Service | borrowing |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | library staff |
Indicators | circulation statistics |
- Renewal: Loans may be extended prior to expiration date if the copy has not been requested by another user, yet. The user can extend the expiration date through Luiss Discovery’s My Account, and remotely by contacting the library by telephone or e-mail.
- Return: users are allowed to returned borrowed books within four days of the expiration date as follows: through the library staff, self-check station, return boxes located in in Viale Romania and Via Parenzo, and by post.
- Request: it is possible to reserve books only if borrowed by other users.
All communications related to the loan service are automatically managed and sent to the Luiss e-mail.
In case of non-return, loss or damage of the book, please refer to the Library Regulations.
4.9 Additional service for full professors
Given the location of the Library outside the Luiss campuses, the service provides the delivery of monographs to the Luiss offices by internal mail.
Service | additional service for full professors |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
4.10 Accessibility and inclusive services
The services allow easy access to bibliographic services and resources, as well as the provision of study materials. The service in provided in synergy with It's U! - Inclusiveness Tutoring Service.
Service | accessibility and inclusive services |
Recipients | institutional users with certified disabilities |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
4.11 Acquisition suggestion
The service allows users to suggest the purchase of bibliographic material not owned by the Library, in line with the profile of existing collections. The criteria for accepting acquisition suggestions are detailed in the Collection Development Policy.
Service | acquisition suggestion |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
4.12 Interlibrary Services
The interlibarry services are:
interlibrary loan
- inbound: retrieval from other libraries of books not owned by the Luiss Library and not available in Rome. No cost is charged to the user in case of free reciprocity between libraries; otherwise, the supplying library may request a refund from the user, who must authorize the charge in advance.
Service | interlibrary loan |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
- outbound: supply to external libraries of books owned by the Luiss Library. No cost is charged to the borrower if the free reciprocity regime between libraries is used; otherwise the refund is 1/2 IFLA voucher.
Service | interlibrary loan |
Recipients | external libraries |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
document delivery
- inbound: supply of documents obtained from other libraries. No cost is charged to the user if the free reciprocity regime between libraries is used; otherwise, the supplying library may request a refund from the user, who must authorize the charge in advance.
Service | document delivery |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | processing times |
- outbound: supply to external libraries of documents owned by the Luiss Library. No cost is charged to the borrower if the free reciprocity regime between libraries is used; otherwise the refund is 1/2 IFLA voucher per article.
Service | document delivery |
Recipients | external libraries |
Type of provision | NILDE (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange) |
Indicators | processing times |
4.13 Suggestions and complaints
The service allows users to make suggestions and/or complaints about the Library services and resources.
Service | suggestions and complaints |
Recipients | institutional users |
Type of provision | online form |
Indicators | response times |
4.14 Digital reproduction services
The self-service digital reproduction is carried out in compliance with the current copyright regulation.
4.15 Website
The Library's website contains information on access and opening hours, describes the services and resources available, and provides contact information for requests. It also includes access to the Library's discovery. The website, in Italian and English, is constantly updated and aims to provide a simple and intuitive browsing experience.
Service | website |
Recipients | institutional users; further admitted and external users |
Type of provision | free navigation |
Indicators | updating frequency usage statistics user satisfaction level |
The following communication channels are used to promote Library services, resources and initiatives:
- library website;
- institutional social media;
- e-mail communications.
The library rooms require specific behavioral rules. In detail, it is not permitted to:
- reserve free seats;
- introduce food and beverages (except water in re-sealable bottles);
- speak loudly;
- use cell phones or other devices that may disturb;
- use electronic cigarettes;
- damage furniture and technological equipment.
6.1 Data protection and Confidentiality
The Library ensures that users' personal information is used exclusively for the management of services in accordance with current regulations.
The Library's activities are subject to constant monitoring of the quantity and quality of service through the following survey instruments and in line with the University's strategic objectives.
- Annual internal audit aimed at evaluating and improving the management and control processes of services.
- Luiss service quality survey which, through the periodic collection of statistical data and information, monitors the overall quality of the University.
- User satisfaction forms to monitor specific initiatives introduced by the Library.
- Annual report, Library service penetration index among the users, statistics on services offered.
- Monthly statistics on circulation activities, services provided, asset acquisition, cataloguing and management activities, and resource usage data.
In addition, the Library periodically participates in national and international surveys that investigate and analyze major trends in the library sector. In particular, the Library has joined all census surveys promoted by MIUR and GIM (Inter-University Group for Monitoring University Library Systems).
As part of the social impact activities of the Luiss Third Mission and in line with 2030 Agenda Goal 4, the Library has launched a project of information literacy for primary and secondary schools in our local area, with the aim of creating a community of aware citizens to whom provide tools to bridge the gap between the production and use of information and knowledge.