Luiss Repositories adhere to international best practices and technical standards on open access, particularly regarding the interoperability of open access archives (standard OAI‐PMH) and long‐term conservation of contributions to scientific literature. The IRs take into consideration the guidelines of the Open Access Group of the CRUI Library Board for the creation and management of metadata, established on February 22, 2012.
LuissThesis collates the University’s final Theses defended at the end of the Luiss Guido Carli Degree Programs.
The Institutional Repository makes available the Theses discussed from the extraordinary session of the 2006/2007 Academic Year onward, with full-text versions for those theses for which the candidates have allowed online consultation, whereas solely bibliographic information is provided for the others.
Starting from 2021 within IRIS the Library also archives and preserves the Doctoral theses discussed at Luiss since 2008.
All doctoral theses are deposited and made available in Open Access at the end of the career, with the exception of justified cases for exclusion.
Since 2014, Luiss has implemented IRIS, an institutional repository dedicated to University research data.
IRIS is the only database for data on the University’s scientific production, responding thus to the University’s objectives regarding the promotion and dissemination of products of scientific research performed by scholars within their institutional activities, in order to increase visibility and impact at national and international level.
Discover IRIS - Luiss Research Information System
The Repository adheres to international best practices and technical standards on open access, particularly regarding interoperability of open access archives (standard OAI‐PMH) and long‐term conservation of contributions to scientific literature. The IR takes into consideration the guidelines of the Open Access Group of the CRUI Library Board for the creation and management of metadata, established on February 22, 2012.
IRIS currently constitutes the Research Information System and is interoperable with MIUR databases and the European portal OpenAIRE.
The IR is the only database for data on the University’s scientific production, responding thus to the University’s objectives regarding promotion and dissemination of products of scientific research performed by scholars within their institutional activities, in order to increase visibility and impact on both the national and international levels.
Within IRIS Luiss researchers can self-archive their research products and, as for journals articles, in compliance with the publisher's Open Access policy, make them available in open access.
Self-archiving may involve the deposit of the final version of the article accepted for publication (Green road). This version, also known as "post-print" or "Author's Accepted Manuscript", refers to the article that has passed peer-review, which is therefore final in its contents, but has not yet been formatted by the publisher. The deposit of the post print can take place at the time of publication or after a period of embargo; this depends on the policies of the publishers. To learn about the policies of most national and international publishers on self-archiving, you can consult the Sherpa/Romeo portal.