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Multi-publisher platform which contains e-journals and e-books mostly in Italian.

The Library subscribes the access to a collection of full text e-books published by Giappichelli and a selection of e-journals from the following publishers:

  • Alinea Editrice
  • Editoriale Scientifica
  • Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
  • Egea
  • Franco Angeli
  • Leo S. Olschki
  • Pacini Editore Srl
  • Pisa University Press
  • Rubbettino
  • Sapienza Università Editrice
  • Stem Mucchi Editore
  • Viella
  • Vita e Pensiero

Accessibility Policy

Casalini libri

The database contains the publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Journals, Transactions, Magazines, Newsletters, Proceedings.

In the Digital Library are also available bibliographic records, abstracts, reviews and full texts by other publishers in the disciplines of Information Technology, Applied Information Technology and Information Technology.

The resource includes the full-text archive of the previous years, starting with the first published issue. It includes access to the publications from the Special Interest Group (SIGs) and to the Guide to Computing Literature, the largest bibliographic database dedicated to these subjects.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

from 1951

Database of statistical and financial analyses, detailed financial statements in accordance with the IV EEC Directive, information on stakeholding and management for around 280,000 Italian companies.

The additional module of the Optical Financial Statements is also available, containing the original digitalized financial statements of the companies - including the descriptive notes, minutes of the shareholders' meeting, management report, report on corporate governance and ownership structures, report on remuneration, report of the auditing company - in a 10-year historical series, both for the consolidated financial statements and for the non-consolidated financial statements.

The add-on module on companies with "bankrupt" legal status is available.

To login see the guide How to access Bureau van Dijk databases.

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)

up to ten years of history

Full text access to the 9 journals published by American Economic Association (AEA):

  • AEA Papers and Proceedings
  • American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
  • American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
  • American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
  • American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
  • American Economic Review
  • American Economic Review: Insights
  • Journal of Economic Literature
  • Journal of Economic Perspectives

Forthcoming Articles are available for AEA members only and are not in included in the subscription.

American Economic Association

Online citation database which provides access to a compilation of Italian periodicals. It contains over 100,000 bibliographic records of articles published since 1982 in over 150 Italian periodicals on general knowledge, such as: Aut Aut, Belfagor, Contemporanea, Critica Marxista, Economia della cultura, Filosofia politica, Limes, Micromega, and Rivista italiana di scienza politica.

Soprintendenza per i beni librari e documentari dell'IBC della Regione Emilia-Romagna

from 1982

The database contains the documentation assets in tax, corporate and business, and competition matters provided by Assonime. Within the restricted area of ​​the portal it is possible to access the following sections:

  • Circulars (since 1986): studies on a reasoned selection of legislative measures and administrative and jurisprudential guidelines;
  • Notes and Studies and Insights (since 1997): the papers produced by Assonime in collaboration also with other Institutions, and the notes, which draw general guidelines starting from the solution to specific problems of tax, corporate and business law and competition;
  • The Case and e-news that investigate cases and Company law issues of particular interest that have emerged from practice or legislative changes;
  • Tax Law (since 2005): containing the rulings on tax matters of the Court of Justice, the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation.
Assonime servizi srl
Access note
Access with password in the Library's Law Room

The Portal of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development is online since 2016 with open access contents.

The ASviS was created to raise awareness in Italy of the importance of the 2030 Agenda for the sustainable development of the Country. It contains various materials, including:

  • ASviS Report: in addition to providing updates on the international community's commitment to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, signed by the Governments of 193 countries on 25 September 2015, the Report focuses on the national context and in particular on the state of progress of Italy with respect to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Published annually at the beginning of autumn, the Report is produced with the contribution of the ASviS working groups, made up of experts from the members.
  • ASviS data: statistical resources updated periodically with the values ​​and trends of over 230 basic indicators, mainly from ISTAT sources, divided by Goal. The platform provides each indicator in three ways: graphs, maps and tables. It is also possible to download time series, export data, perform comparisons between regions and macro-regions on multiple indicators, including those of different Goals.
  • Publications, articles, dossiers on the topic of sustainability in Italy.

The database contains information on over 43,000 public and private banks from around the world. The data (with a time series up to 7 years) is available in various formats including:

  • Global Standard Format with 57 internationally standardized balance sheet items
  • Global Detailed Format with over 650 internationally standardized variables
  • National "as filed" Format, also in original language, with over 3,000 items
  • 38 pre-calculated balance sheet ratios

Among the various modules that can be consulted there are:

  • Ownership Manager and exponents (Contacts)
  • Original Documents in pdf, which can also be reached by clicking on the individual financial indicators within the source
  • News reports
  • Factiva Dow Jones

To login see the guide How to access Bureau van Dijk databases.

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)

last 5-7 years

Open access  dictionary edited by the scientific committee of the National Association for the Encyclopedia of the Bank and the Stock Exchange (Assonebb). Available in Italian and English, it is a collaborative digital encyclopedia that is not open, in which new entries are checked by the editorial staff and by the scientific committee of Assonebb to guarantee the scientific quality. It contains contributions relating to the banking and financial system of an economic, legal, social and institutional nature.


The platform allows for the analysis and real-time monitoring of financial markets, as well as the ability to execute orders transmitted on electronic networks.

Financial and economic information for research and chronological analysis, even at high frequency (intraday data), on ordinary shares, market indices, bonds, credit ratings, company balance sheets, interest and exchange rates, macroeconomic data, futures and options, warrants, commodities, Bond Indices and CDS, ESG. The platform also allows you to analyze and monitor financial markets in real time.

A guide to basic functions by prof. Borri is available for students. Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) certification can be obtained on Bloomberg terminals in Luiss seats by attending an online course of 10 hours approximately (more information on BMC). Headphones are required to follow the course.

At last, on the Bloomberg terminals it is possible to register and participate in the thematic webinars available on the platform:

Bloomberg Professional is accessible on-campus only.

See the guide How to access Bloomberg Professional.

Bloomberg L.P.
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Visit the Guides section of the Library webpage to discover more info to access the database from viale Romania computers

BoardEx provides information and data relating to board members of most publicly traded companies in North America, the UK and Europe, and includes data on directors, senior executives and employees whose remuneration is disclosed in financial statements (disclosed earners).

It provides profiles of corporate executives (including certain demographics, education and career, compensation, board and committee members, etc.), as well as links between them and between companies.

Use BoardEx data for example to analyze connections between boards, their composition, data on remuneration and networks. The following datasets are available for each region:

  • 01_Board Summary (summary of the composition of the Board by year, including salaries, committees, ratios, totals)
  • 02_Committee Details (for each year and committee, members, their roles and status)
  • 03_Company Announcements
  • 04_Company Details (information on headquarters and contacts, capitalization, turnover, auditors and banks)
  • 05_Company Network_mapped (for each company as it is related, through individuals, to other companies)
  • 06_Compensation - 1999-Current
  • 07_Director Network_mapped (for each director as it is in relation, through other companies, to other individuals)
  • 08_Director Profile - Various (characteristics, personal data, education, positions on and off the boards, other activities)
  • 09_Org Analysis Averages (summary per year with statistical data relating to the board, average salaries, characteristics of the company)
  • 10_SMDEs Company Announcements
  • 11_SMDEs Compensation - 1999-Current
  • 12_SMDEs Network_mapped (for Senior Man agers and, where available, disclosed earners, how they relate, through other companies, to other individuals)
  • 13_SMDEs Org Summary
  • 14_SMDEs Profile - Various (for Senior Managers and, where available, disclosed earners, characteristics, personal data, education, positions within and off the boards, other activities).

The regions covered by the subscription are North America, Europe and the United Kingdom. The datasets are available in Excel, stored on a secure server of the University.

Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC group
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it
Access note
To request the access send an e-mail to reference@luiss.it

from 1999 (last update 2022, November)

BPR (Bibliography of the Italian Parliament and electoral studies) is a citation database with references of books and journal articles concerning:

  • the Italian Parliament since the granting of the Albertine Statute in 1848, thus including the parliamentary experience of the Savoy state, up to today;
  • the National Council and the Constituent Assembly;
  • electoral studies (laws, procedures, behavior), with reference to political elections in the same historical period both at national and local level.

The BPR includes legal studies but also studies conducted from a political point of view, organizational science, political sociology, as well as historiographical literature on the subject. Articles in newspapers and weekly magazines, parliamentary acts, sentences, laws and regulations are excluded.

Using documents in the public domain or on the basis of agreements with private and public publishers, it presents a selection of full-text documents (indexes of monographic works, sentences, periodical articles, contributions in miscellaneous works), attached to the bibliographic reference.

Since 2002, the BPR has also reported documents that can be found on the main legal websites.

Biblioteca della Camera dei deputati

from 1848

The database contains full text and bibliographic citations of articles taken from over 3,500 scientific, economic and social science periodicals (of which 2,000 ARE peer-reviewed) and from numerous other bibliographic sources.

It also gives access to 40,000 other materials, including e-books, Company Profiles, SWOT Analysis, Industry Reports (including those published by Datamonitor), Case Studies and Market Research Reports. You can navigate by subject through a Thesaurus created by EBSCO specialists. It also provides detailed information on over 1 million public and private companies.

From the Homepage it is also possible to select Econlit with Full Text and Historical Abstracts with Full Text databases to consult the databases at the same time. Online various in-depth materials on the use of Ebsco portals are available.

Accessibility Policy

EBSCO Publishing

The collection contains nearly 22,000 eBooks by Cambridge University Press related to the Social Sciences collection which includes the following disciplines: Anthropology, Archeology, Economics, History, Law, Management, Politics & International Relations, Psychology, Sociology.

Accessibility Policy

Cambridge University Press

The collection contains over 400 peer-reviewed e-journals by Cambridge University Press related to the HSS - Humanities and Social Sciences and STM - Science, Technology and Medicine which include, among others, the following subject areas: Art, Business, Computer Science , Earth and Environmental Sciences, Economics, History, Law, Mathematics, Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Social Studies, Statistics and Probability.

Cambridge University Press

Center for Art Law is an American nonprofit that offers educational resources and programming for the advancement of arts and law community. Created in 2009, today the Center is the only independent art law entity in the United States dedicated to writing, gathering, and sharing law and visual arts information for the benefit of artists, students, lawyers and academics.

The Premium Course Subscription provides:

  • Individual account (discover how to register in the access guide using your Luiss credentials)
  • access to the Center's archived materials including, where available, recordings of past webinars and workshops’ handouts
  • access to the Case Law Corner (summaries of recent and ongoing art law litigation)
  • access to over 1,100 relevant and editorially independent articles
  • discounted tickets for upcoming events (discover how in the access guide using your Luiss credentials)

On the platform the Center publishes articles, provides insights, and aggregate art law resources, including law firms, educational courses, books, films, artists’ assistance, and bar associations.

Their monthly newsletter, the “Art Law Blast”, is an engaging rundown of upcoming events, legal cases, recent news, publications, exhibitions, and more.

The Center organizes virtual and in-person conferences, lectures, workshops, screenings, and studio tours. They work closely with law schools, student societies, law firms, arts organizations, and bar associations to plan events and to offer networking opportunities.

To register an individual account see the guide How to access Center for Art Law.

Center for Art Law
Access note
Access through personal registration with your Luiss account.

The database collects the full text of more than 3,000 Discussion Papers published by the Center for Economic Research since 1998.

Centre for Economic Policy Research

from 1988

Online access to the complete collection of the courses held at the Hague Academy of International Law since 1923. These contributions by prestigious authors deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the Law, including legislation and case law, with a particular focus on public and private international law.

The following Academy publications are also available:

  • Special editions: a collection of handbooks on selected topics of international law;
  • Publications of the Centre for Studies and Research: a selection of books that focus on some of the most topical and complex issues in international relations. Identified problems are studied from a broad global perspective by researchers from all over the world, combining, where appropriate, expertise in public and private international law.

Texts are available in Englis and French.

Koninklijke Brill NV
Hague Academy of International Law

Historical series (financial and macro data) and financial data on common stocks, market indices, bonds, interest and exchange rates, macroeconomic data, Futures and Options, Warrants, Commodities, Bond Indices and CDS.

It also contains IBES estimates, Worldscope balance sheet data and ASSET4 Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG) data. Access to the data is through the Excel add-in.

At the terminals of the Library's Economics Room (library01@luiss.it user) users can also access the following J.P. Morgan Indices: EMBI (Emerging Market Bond Index), GBI (Government Bond Index), GBI-EM (Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets).

Datastream Charting is the graphical analysis tool which is integrated in Excel to download a wide range of graphs on the above contents (also for current affairs and News) and / or to create customizable graphs and transfer them to Power Point, Word, Excel. The Datastream series are also integrated on the Refinitiv Workspace platform.

Webinars and specific trainings are available on Refinitiv Academy. More information on the contents and how to use: LSEG Refinitiv web page and video tutorial.

For the free LSEG Certification program visit the page LSEG certification program.

See the guide How to access LSEG Workspace and Datastream.

Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business
Access note
Access provided for students and Faculty members. To activate a temporary license, write to reference@luiss.it

Dealroom is one of the most comprehensive global provider of data and intelligence on startups and tech ecosystems. Dealroom team works with many of the world's most prominent investors, entrepreneurs, and government organizations to provide transparency, analysis, and insights on venture capital activity.

Global data coverage includes:

  • 3M+ companies globally
  • 2.1M+ startups and 640K+ rounds
  • 150K+ investors and 605K+ people
  • 100+ data points on each company

Dealroom collects data combining machine learning and data engineering with robust verification processes and a strong network of ecosystems. Real-time data and predictive technology are used with powerful algorithms. More info about how Dealroom collects data are available here.

A new section dedicated to sectors, especially emerging ones, is available with an extremely detailed taxonomy.

Multiples: Comparisons can be made between key financial metrics from similar companies, such as EV/Revenue, EV/EBITDA, and a more comprehensive set of valuation multiples, which can be analyzed by geography or verticals.

Definitions, Features, and other relevant information on Dealroom are available on their Knowledge Base.

Access note
To request the access send an e-mail to reference@luiss.it

The database contains various archives:

Italian Cases

  • Cases: pronounced by the Constitutional Court, the Civil and Criminal Cassation and other 64 authorities of both legitimacy and merit;
  • Cases of the Civil Cassation: full text of a large selection starting from 1986 and full collection from 2006 onwards;
  • Cases of the Criminal Court: full text of a large selection starting from 1995 and full collection from 2006 onwards (with the exception of those in section VII;
  • Administrative Cases: full text of a wide selection of TAR and CdS sentences starting from 1998, of the Court of Auditors since 2001 and by the Councilor Giust. Amm of Sicily since 2005;
  • Trials: full text of a vast selection of the most important trials issued in all Italian courts since 2001.

Legislative sources

  • Legislative collection of provisions in text in force since 1945 and a wide selection of previous regulations. The texts are also reported in their historical text as originally published in the Official Gazette;
  • Collection of Circulars, Notes, Resolutions starting from 1998;
  • Regional and European legislation;
  • Codes in current text with Preliminaries, implementing provisions and regulations. Enriched by editorial interventions and notes.

Legal doctrine

  • Articles on jurisprudential rulings, taken from Giuffré magazines starting from 1995;
  • Forms: procedural and extra-judicial formulas
  • Bibliography: bibliographic research on doctrine since 1980
  • Very latest: a review of the main news regarding jurisprudence, doctrine and legislation.
Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre
Access note
Click on Login on the top right and then Login per IP

The work, which contains over 5,000 entries relating to the various legal fields, can be consulted within One Legale database in the "Ricerca per estremi" menu and shows the 4 sections that compose it (Private Law, civil and commercial section, Criminal Law and Public Law).

See the access guide using the Luiss credentials.

Wolters Kluwer Italia

The portal is dedicated to criminal law providing free access to the journal with the same title as well as books, studies, general documentation, multimedia.

It also collects a directory of criminal law journals freely accessible on the web.

The Scientific Director is Prof. Fausto Giunta, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Florence.


Legal doctrine repository with abstracts of articles published in over 450 Italian journals (including judgment notes, reviews, comments on legislation, conference papers, critical reviews).

Each record consists of: bibliographic citation of the single contribution; abstract, by ITTIG, indicative of the topics covered by the author and indicative of the theses supported; one or more classification codes that identify the legal area; details of the regulatory and jurisprudential sources cited by the author of the contribution, selected by the ITTIG.

ITTIG - Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica CNR

from 1970

Open access database to help researchers discovering historical and contemporary theses.

Created with the support of H.W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives of Boston, it contains American Doctoral Dissertations previously published by EBSCO and features additional dissertation metadata provided by select colleges and universities around the world. 

Ebsco Publishing

Citation records with abstracts relating to international economic science literature (journal articles, monographs, conference proceedings, dissertations).

The database provides the full text of the reviews published by the Journal of Economic Literature since 1994 and the Index of Economic Articles.

The expanded version "with Full text" enriches the citation database of about 700 full-text e-journals including periodicals published by the American Economics Association without embargo.

Online various in-depth materials on the use of Ebsco portals.

American Economic Association
EBSCO Publishing

from 1969

Digital library with a selection of books in Italian and English published by Egea in the field of Social Sciences and belonging to the Library's Course Reserves collection.

Through the Bookshelf reader it is possible to highlight or insert personal notes within the volume which will also be available in subsequent accesses to the title. 

Read aloud function available. Cannot export or print.

Faculty can access Egea services following a different procedure reserved to teachers: those who would like to evaluate the acquisition of one or more titles, even if not subscribed by the Library, can register an individual account here with a professor profile indicating a maximum of 3 areas of interest, then on the following page in the My Egea books section they will be able to access all the ebooks related to the areas of interest previously indicated. Requests will be evaluated by the publisher.


Concurrent Users per ebook: 5. Maximum loans per user: 2. Digital lending (days): 21. Early return: Yes. Renewal: possible after 24 hours.

Digital library with a selection of books published by Edward Elgar Publishing in the field of Social Sciences and the complete 2018 Law Collection.

It also contains some reference works: 

  • Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management
  • Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
  • Encyclopedia of Private International Law
  • Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law

Accessibility Policy

Edward Elgar Publishing

Books published by Elsevier and available in full text.

The Library has access to the following packages:

  • Social Sciences
  • Agricultural, Biological, and Food Sciences
  • Finance
  • Neuroscience and Psychology

Access is provided by the Science Direct platform also for searching within the Elsevier resources subscribed by the Library.

Accessibility Policy

Trial ends on September 30, 2024.

Elsevier B.V.

The Freedom Collection by Elsevier ScienceDirect contains the complete text of about 2,500 journals published by the Elsevier since 1995.

The social sciences journals present in the database are over 600. The Library also subscribes to 4 disciplinary collections - Business, Management and Accounting , Decision Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Social Science - with the full text starting from the 1st issue and up to 1994.

Elsevier B.V.

from 1995

On-line citation database with the records of Italian journals in the fields of economics, social sciences, law and history.

It contains citations of articles published since 1982 in over 850 periodicals.

Associazione ESSPER

from 1982

The platform is provides support for academic research in the field of EU law and policy.

The repository contains about 12,000 content related to Community law, including the Weekend Editions, an ever-increasing number of analyzes, podcasts and news. The thematic areas covered are many, including: Institutional Law, Data Tech & IP, Covid-19, Human Rights, Emplyment & Immigration.

For each section the accessible documents are: analysis, editorial comments, insights, news and op-eds. The contributions show a mirror hyperlink to the official source of the legislation or jurisprudence cited.

EU Law Live
Access note
Accept site cookies for IP activation. To request the access to special materials send an e-mail to reference@luiss.it (only for Student and Faculty)

Online information service in the economic and financial fields created by Factiva, a company of the Dow Jones & Reuters group.

The platform provides through a single interface more than 25,000 information sources from 159 countries and in 22 languages. Major newspapers available include: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, Financial Times, Les Echos, South China Morning Post, Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald, Straits Times , Yomiuri Shimbun, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Irish Times.

Among the sources in Italian there are ANSA, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Italia Oggi and Il Sole 24 Ore (from 2001 to 2007).

Note: the massive extraction of the contents (text mining) is not allowed by the subscribed license.


The FT.com online platform includes:

  • updated contents of ft.com in real time
  • 15 years of Financial Times archive (https://www.ft.com/todaysnewspaper/archive)
  • the ePaper Access service, with the possibility of downloading the electronic facsimile PDF version of the 5 editions of the FT Newspaper (UK, Europe, US, Middle East, Asia: https://www.ft.com/todaysnewspaper).
  • access to news relating to the 4 regional editions of FT (UK, US, Asia, Europe)
  • comments from columnists readily available
  • Markets data: database of commodities, bonds & rates, indices, and listed companies
  • Special reports: archive of reports both in PDF and navigable
  • In-Depth: constantly updated archive on hot topics and events

See the guide How to access Financial Times (Ft.com).

The Financial Times Ltd

The Foreign Law Guide (FLG) is an essential database offering relevant information on sources of foreign and comparative law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations and selected references to secondary sources.

The print publication began in the 1990s and moved to the web in 2000.

Approximately 190 jurisdictions are systemically covered and updated by a global team of experts.

Each jurisdiction has a “main page” where you will find information on the government and legal system, primary sources of law, other print and online sources that are useful, and laws of the jurisdiction arranged by subject. 

More information on the contents and how to use:

Koninklijke Brill NV

The database contains several archives:

  • Il Foro Italiano with materials published in the journal from 1987.
  • Biblioteca riviste collects all the articles and case notes published in La Tribuna journals. The publications can be downloaded in pdf starting from 2010 or from the first issue of the publication for the most recent ones.
  • Giurisprudenza includes the abstracts of the official cases published in the CED as well as in Il Repertorio del Foro Italiano since 1981.
  • Bibliografia includes the bibliographic references published in Il Foro Italiano from 1981.
  • Cassazione Civile includes the cases and the relative official abstracts from 1997, in addition to the official abstracts published in Il Massimario del Foro italiano from 1990.
  • Cassazione Penale includes the decisions and the relative official abstracts from 2009, in addition to the official abstracts published in Il Massimario del Foro Italiano from the same year. It also contains a selection of decisions relating to previous years.
  • Merito e extra contains, since 2006: a collection of measures of merit unpublished in the review "Il Foro Italiano" and the extrapolation of the relevant points relevant to the decision, classified according to the items and sub-items of the Repertory of "Il Foro Italiano".
  • Dottrina contains a selection of handbooks published by Giappichelli.
  • Legislazione (4 codes and complementary laws) contains the essential legislation for legals.
Il Foro italiano; La Tribuna

The Library provides access to a selection of books published by Giuffrè (later Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre) which had been purchased since 2007.

Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre
Access note
Click on Login on the top right and then Login per IP

Online historical archive of 45 journals published by Giuffrè (later Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre).

Over 5,000 issues since 1975 that faithfully reproduce the structure and graphics of the printed version. The main titles contained are:

  • AIDA: Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo (dal 2001)
  • Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito (dal 1975)
  • Cassazione Penale (dal 1975)
  • Concorrenza e Mercato (dal 2001)
  • Diritto del Commercio Internazionale (dal 1987)
  • Diritto dell'Informazione e dell'Informatica (dal 1985)
  • Diritto di Famiglia e delle Persone (dal 1975)
  • Giurisprudenza Commerciale (dal 1975)
  • Responsabilità Civile e Previdenza (dal 1975)
  • Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti (dal 1975)
  • Rivista del Notariato (dal 1975)
  • Rivista dell'arbitrato (dal 1991)
  • Rivista delle Società (dal 1975)
  • Rivista di Diritto Industriale (dal 1975)
  • Rivista di Diritto Internazionale (dal 1975)
  • Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (dal 1975)
  • Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procedura Penale (dal 1975)
  • Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale (dal 1979)
  • Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (dal 1975)
Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre
Access note
Click on Login on the top right and then Login per IP

from 1975

Online version of the Encyclopedia of Law published by Giuffré which provides over 4,200 entries relating to different legal fields. The materials are the same of the printed work plus the contents of the Annals starting from 2008.

Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre

The Library provides access to a selection of books published by Giappichelli from 2007 to 2021, plus the entire collection published from 2022 in the field of Social Sciences with particular focus on Law and Economics. The full texts can be accessed online through a renewable 15-day digital loan.

G. Giappichelli Editore

The journal, published by the Italian Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato since 1999 and by Editoriale Scientifica S.r.l. starting from 2019, is a research tool in the field of administrative law.

The database allows to search for all the documents of greatest interest on the subject, issued from the 1990s to today.

In particular, 3 archives are available:

  • Giurisprudenza: trials by the T.A.R., by the Italian Council of State, and by other ordinary and special judicial courts;
  • Dottrina: articles, essays, reports, conference proceedings and studies by authoritative legals and scholars of public law;
  • Legislazione: acts and administrative practice, with official text, commentary notes, doctrinal and jurisprudential references, as well as pending legislation and suspensive orders.
Editoriale Scientifica S.r.l.
Access note
Access with password in the Library's Law Room

Large collection of documents for legal research divided into several libraries among which the Library subscribes:

  • Law Journal Library: full text of over 3,000 e-journals;
  • Foreign & International Law Resources Database (FILRD): collection dedicated to International Law, includes the full text of about 4,000 publications including those of the American Society of International Law ;
  • Legal Classics: full text of over 20,000 e-books selected from the great classics of legal literature;
  • World Constitutions Illustrated: archive containing the complete texts in the original language and English translation of the Constitutions of all the countries of the world, accompanied by comments and resources relating to the constitutional and political history of the Country;

HeinOnline also gives access to the complete archive of the U.S. Treaties and Agreements and other legal material such as the Federal Register, the U.S. Reports, the English Reports online edition, as well as archives dedicated to US presidents and elections Presidential Library and U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library.

Heinonline Academic Core International also includes special collections on specific topics, including:

  • Civil Rights and Social Justice: collection that collects e-books, academic articles, legislative documentation and jurisprudence, mostly American, dedicated to civil rights;
  • COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law;
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: collection of materials and interactive timeline relating to the gay rights movement in America, from 1950;
  • Women and the Law (Peggy): collection that brings together books, biographies, and periodicals dedicated to the role and to the rights of women in society.

Accessibility Policy

William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

Electronic news service tracking cross-border arbitrations between foreign investors and their host governments. Covers lawsuits and policy developments related to nationalizations, privatizations, and other regulatory disputes. Includes a database of cases summaries.

IAReporter LLC

The platform provides the most important publications by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation.

The Library can access the following archives:

  • E-Journals: Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin, Bulletin for International Taxation, European Taxation, Finance and Capital Markets (former Derivatives and Financial Instruments), International Tax Studies, International Transfer Pricing Journal, International VAT Monitor , Talking Points, World Tax Journal;
  • E-Books: 245 e-books published by the IBFD from 2000 to present Case Law, News, Tables.
  • Treaties & Models: international tax agreements and models, both in the official language versions and English translations. Includes protocols and amendments, FATCA, supplementary agreements and exchanges of notes.
  • Case Law: access to important decisions of national courts around the globe, with summaries. All the collections include convenient cross-references to relevant case law. Covers domestic direct tax and VAT law, tax treaty case law and European Court of Justice decisions on direct and indirect taxes.

By registering with your Luiss institutional account, you activate the following features:

  1. save a document to your favorites
  2. create annotations
  3. customize the Tax News email service

Also available on the platform are:

  1. the Tables that allow you to compare the tax elements of the various countries;
  2. Glossary with over 5,000 entries on taxation and related Organizations, Treaties and Courts;
  3. a series of Webinars visible live or on demand, held by IBFD experts.
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation

The e-Library of the International Monetary Fund provides access to the publications (periodicals, books, working papers and studies) produced by the IMF, as well as to the statistics and economics data platform (http://data.imf.org).

The topics covered by the IMF are in particular: macroeconomic data, globalization, development, trade, demographic analysis, emerging markets, poverty reduction.

The publications are available for download in several digital formats: PDF, ePUB, XML and Mobi.

The main e-Journals available are: World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, Fiscal Monitor, Regional Economic Outlook reports, Research Bulletin, IMF Survey, IMF Staff Papers, Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions.

The main statistical databases available are:

  • International Financial Statistics (IFS): 32,000 time series relating to over 200 countries regarding Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Arrangements, Fund Accounts, Government Finance, Interest Rates, International Liquidity, International Transactions, Monetary Statistics, National Accounts and Population, Prices, Production, and Labor. The data are also available in the IFS Yearbook.
  • Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS): provides data relating to export and import, especially: Composition of country, world, and area pages, Consistency between partner country data, Currency, Estimation procedures. The data is also available in the DOTS Yearbook.
  • Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS): reports the aggregate and detailed time series for the balance of payments and international investments of countries. The data is also available in the BOPS Yearbook.
  • Government Finance Statistics (GFS): contains statistical data on the financial operations of the governments of 156 countries. The data is also available within the GFS Yearbook.
International Monetary Fund

e-Books: from 1946; e-Journals: depending on the title; statistics: from 1948 (IFS), from 1980 (DOTS), from 1960 (BOPS), from 1990 (GFS).

Essential Science Indicators provides tools to analyze and compare Research performance, identify significant trends, rank the best performers, and evaluate potential employees and collaborators.

The numerical indicators of ESI are based on 11,727 journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index) for a period of 10 years.

Citation counts for these articles are from journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index). ESI indicators are calculated on 11 years of data. The database is updated six times a year.


The platform provides access to the e-journals published by INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences).

The Library subscribes all the titles starting from the first available issue, some of the most relevant titles are:

  • Operations Research
  • Management Science
  • Mathematics of Operations Research
  • Marketing Science
  • Organization Science

Online version of the encyclopedia published in 2011 by SAGE and edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Leonardo Morlino.

The work treats the main topics in political science, including comparative politics, epistemology, economic politics, political sociology and international relations.

SAGE Publications

The database by Il Centro di Documentazione della Corte di Cassazione provides access to several archives:

  • the jurisprudence of the civil and criminal Supreme Court, the Council of State, the Court of Auditors, of the TAR;
  • the jurisprudence of the ECHR;
  • state (with the original PDF of the G.U 1860 to 1946), regional, community legislation;
  • the full text of the sentences of the Constitutional Court;
  • the doctrine (since 1970).
Corte Suprema di Cassazione
Access note
Access with password in the Library's Law Room

Italian platform by Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre specialized in legal information for in-depth study and updating of the legal professional. Collects latest articles published by GFL authors commenting main jurisprudence and new legislation, explores with focus and news the following subjects subscribed by the Library:

  • Criminal Law
  • Civil procedure
  • Family Law
  • Labor Law
  • Bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings
  • Corporate Law
  • Tax Law
  • Administrative law

This new GFL platform replaces: Il Fallimentarista, Il Familiarista, Il Giuslavorista, Il Penalista, Il Processo Civile, Il Societario, Il Tributario, L’Amministrativista.

At the end of the consultation, please close the session by clicking on "Exit".

Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre

Iusimpresa is an online citational database consisting of the counting of Italian and foreign periodicals, monographs and case notes.

When available, it provides the direct link to the full text online or to the index. The research is integrated with a glossary and a directory of jurisprudence.

Osservatorio CSIG di Lecce

JCR provides information and tools to determine the scientific impact of periodicals in the fields of science and social science.

The data is derived from over 11,000 journals chosen as the most important and cited worldwide in the two categories.

The following statistical tools are available:

  • the Impact Factor, which allows to determine the importance of a journal compared with others in the same scientific sector;
  • the Immediacy Index, which measures how quickly a journal article is cited on average and how often journal articles are cited in the same year;
  • the Cited Half Life, which measures the validity of the cited articles over time.
Thomson Reuters

Full text of the historical collection of over 570 of the most important and historical international periodicals in the social sciences: economics, history (the journals of the American Historical Association are present), statistics, political science, demography, law.

Coverage is from the 1st issue, but usually includes a 3-year embargo *.

The Library subscribes to the following collections:

  • Arts & Sciences I, most relevant titles: American Historical Review Journal of African American History Speculum William and Mary Quarterly Journal of American History
  • Arts & Sciences II, most relevant titles: American Antiquity American Journal of Archeology American Anthropologist Annals of the Association of American Geographers Geographical Journal
  • Arts & Sciences XII, most relevant titles: ABA Journal Foro Italiano Revista Chilena de Derecho Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka Zeitschrift fur Rechtspolitik

* EMBARGO: shorter or longer period during which the publisher of the journal does not provide the authorization to publish the electronic format online


Full text of the historical collection of over 350 of the most important international periodicals relating to economics and management.

Coverage is from the 1st issue, but usually includes a 3-year embargo *.

Among the most authoritative titles:

* EMBARGO: shorter or longer period during which the publisher of the journal does not provide the authorization to publish the electronic format online


Full text of the historical collection of over 120 of the most important and historical international periodicals in mathematics and statistics.

Coverage is from the 1st issue, but usually includes a 3-year embargo *.

The Library subscribes the following titles:

  • Pi Mu Epsilon
  • Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematica Scandinavica (Denmark)
  • Statistica Sinica (Taiwan)
  • Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (Serbia)
  • Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie(Romania)
  • Publicacions Matematiques (Spain)
  • Journal of Computational Mathematics (China)
  • Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (Brazil)
  • Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics (Japan)

The platform provides access to the full text of 21 journals pblished by Kluwer Law International, in particular: Business Law Review, Common Market Law Review, EC Tax Review, European Review of Private Law e Legal Issue of Economic Integration.

Kluwer Law International

The digital platform is published by Kluwer Law International.

It contains e-books in law also discoverable by fields or browsing from the homepage.

Main topics: Antitrust, Competition Law, Arbitration, Litigation & Mediation, Banking, Commercial Law, Comparative Law, Corporate Law, Energy & Environmental Law, European Union Law, Intellectual Property, International Law, Labor & Employment Law, Tax Law, Trade Law and Transportation Law.

Kluwer Law International

The platform collects e-books published by Wolters Kluwer Italia: Cedam, Ipsoa e UTET Giuridica.

The Library provides access to a selection of titles published starting from 2005.

To login see the guide How to access Wolters Kluwer Italia databases.

Wolters Kluwer Italia

Italian journal of public law directed by Giovanni Virga, also reporting documents published in the Giust.it.

It contains three main archives with doctrine, jurisprudence, and legislation database.

Giuriconsult s.r.l.
Access note
Access with password in the Library's Law Room

LSEG (former Refinitiv) Workspace for students provides access to financial data (real time and intraday) on ordinary shares, market indices, bonds (corporate and government), bond indices and CDS credit default swaps, interest rates and foreign exchange, macroeconomic data, Derivatives: Futures and Options, Warrants, Commodities, Bond Indices and CDS. The data download (historical series and real time) can also be done through the Excel add-in.

It also contains data on unlisted companies, forecast and consensus data (estimates from Ibes) as well as details of the estimates of individual brokers (target price and recommendations), balance sheet data (standardized, from Worldscope source) and as reported by Companies, ASSET4Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG) data. It gives access to:

  • Portfolio analysis tools
  • data on M&A (M&A Merger and Acquisition, ECM Equity Capital Market, DCM Debt Capital Market, Loans Syndication)
  • data on business administration composition corporate structures (Holding and subsidiaries)
  • data on shareholder composition (Ownership and Shareholders)
  • Reuters news and other news sources

Webinars, training and specific guides for the use of the database are available on Refinitiv Academy

For the free LSEG Certification program visit the page LSEG certification program.

More information on the contents and how to use: LSEG web page and video tutorial.

It also integrates some of the data available in Datastream and ThomsonOne.

At the terminals of the Library's Economics Room (library01@luiss.it user) users can also access the following J.P. Morgan: EMBI (Emerging Market Bond Index), GBI (Government Bond Index), GBI-EM (Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets).

See the guide How to access LSEG Workspace and Datastream.

Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business
Access note
Access provided for students and Faculty members. To activate a temporary license, write to reference@luiss.it

MarketLine provides a large amount of information in economics and finance:

  • 8.600 Industry profiles (data and market analysis);
  • 100.000 Company profiles;
  • Cities profiles;
  • Country profiles;
  • Case Studies;
  • Company News and informative records on M&A (Financial Deals).

Through the platform it also available the access to specific databases and analysis tools:

  • Country Statistics (macroeconomic and demographic indicators for over 200 countries, historical and forecast);
  • City Statistics (historical and forecast data for social and macroeconomic indicators relating to over 1,950 cities in the world);
  • Company Prospector (analysis of companies and construction of lists of potential partners, customers or investment targets in the sectors and countries of interest);
  • Market Data Analytics (market analysis relating to approximately 50 countries and over 30 market sectors; allows you to view and download historical and forecast data since 2000 on: Market Value, Market Volumes, Company Shares, Brand Shares, Distribution);
  • Value & Supply Chain Analysis (comprehensive analysis to evaluate market size, forecasts, trends, leading companies, the distribution chain and its interaction with other markets or sectors);
  • Industry Statistics Database (built-in interactive charts to quickly understand market growth trends, compare metrics across geographies, and evaluate along with macro data series such as GDP and population). The database is integrated in the Industry Data Work Folders module which allows a comparison between the various international markets and export raw data to Excel to be able to process them using statistical software;
  • Influencers Database (profiling of leaders and key success factors of a number of emerging technologies in the fields of macroeconomics, geopolitics, sustainability, demographics, artificial intelligence, BlockChain and well-being).

News and information about Case Studies and Reports: http://www.marketline.com/blog/.

Free training webinar: https://www.globaldata.com/industries-we-cover/professional-services/customer-success-training-calendar/.

Download the how-to guide using the Luiss credentials.

GlobalData Plc

The database, which includes Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Current Mathematical Publications (CMP), covers the international literature relating to mathematics since 1864: there are over 2 million records. Over 700,000 report the direct link to the full text of the document.

The records, including reviews, concern articles taken from approximately 1,800 international mathematical journals, as well as 7,500 monographs, proceedings, doctoral theses and annual technical reports. Papers are indexed through the international classification scheme for Mathematical Subject Classification, which contains over 5,000 entries.

American Mathematical Society

Electronic and continuously updated version of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print in subsequent editions between 1991 and 2001 and, starting from 2004, also online.

Since September 2019, the platform also allows access to the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, a bibliographic source specialized in international procedural law.

Oxford University Press
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg

Digital library with a selection of books in Italian and English published by McGraw-Hill in the field of Social Sciences and belonging to the Library's Course Reserves collection.

Through the Bookshelf reader it is possible to highlight or insert personal notes within the volume which will also be available in subsequent accesses to the title. Notes are also exportable to OneNote.

Read aloud function available. Find out more about the accessibility policy.

Cannot export or print.

Accessibility Policy

Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account for Bookshelf.

The platform provides access to over 7,000 national and international newspapers and magazines.

Titles can be consulted in the same version of the original:

  • Main newspapers: Corriere della Sera (national edition and local editions), Il Fatto newspaper, Il Tempo, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Le Figaro, Libération, Le Temps, El Pais, El Mundo, Der Tagesspiegel.
  • Main specialist journals: L'Economia (Corriere della Sera), Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Planning, China Economist, Newsweek, The New York Review of Books, Jeune Afrique, Le Point, Alternatives Economiques, El Financiero, El Economista.
  • Main general publications with a wide circulation: Wired, Vanity Fair, Focus, La Cucina italiana, DOVE, AD, Cosmopolitan, Storica National Geographic, Conde Nast Traveler, Rolling Stone, Yoga Journal.

Access also via the Pressreader app for iPhone and iPad or the Android app: access the MLOL website and then the Pressreader app, you are automatically recognized and access is kept in memory for 1 week.

See the guide How to access MLOL Digital Library.

Accessibility Policy (IT)

Horizons Unlimited

Datasets provided by MSCI relating to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) indicators since 2007. They cover approximately 8,500 companies worldwide (14,000 total issuers, including subsidiaries). For each there are key metrics covering the board of directors, compensation, ownership and control, accounting.

The datasets are available in Excel format, stored on a server of the University.

More information: https://www.msci.com/our-solutions/esg-investing/esg-ratings.

MSCI ESG Research (UK) Limited
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it
Access note
To request the access send an e-mail to reference@luiss.it

from 2007 to 2022

The platform offers an information, training and in-depth analysis service, updated in real time, on current Italian legislation and regulatory changes.

Access to the Daily Newspaper and the archive of Il Sole 24 ore (complete historical archive in pdf of the issues published since 1920), professional journals (including the Law Guide, Accounting and Budget Guide and Work Guide ) and Biblioteca24 (archive of the 24 ORE Group guides) through the “My products” box (scrolling through the homepage on the right).

The contents of the platform are grouped into macro-areas distinct by subject, in which documentary archives, comments, expert analysis, and jurisprudence.

See the guide How to access My Desk 24 (Il Sole 24 Ore).

Il Sole 24 Ore

Complete collection of the Working Papers published by the National Bureau of Economic Research starting from the 1st issue of 1973. Most of the Working Papers are accompanied by abstracts. The full text of the NBER Digest starting from April 2001 and the table of contents of the monographs published by the NBER in collaboration with other publishing houses starting from 1997 and most of the contents of the forthcoming works are also available.

National Bureau of Economic Research

Second edition (2008) of the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics is considered a fundamental reference work by economists as it reflects the current state of the economy. The online edition contains 1,977 entries, of which over 1,000 were written for the 2nd edition. Access is also provided to over 1,900 entries from the original 1987 edition.

Palgrave Macmillan

Legal and economic information platform designed for academic research. It provides access to over 35,000 sources, including news, legal information, business, international legislation, newspapers and the FT Financial Times full-text cover-to-cover, as well as company and country profiles, demographic and market research , reports and industrial analyzes.

Regarding legal information, it documents American and European legislation and jurisprudence, most of the full-text English-language legal journals including the major journals of American law schools, ABA publications, as well as all the Case American Law, Administrative Codes, Federal and State, etc.

On Nexis Uni are also available the Restatements of the Law, a set of treatises on specific legal subjects published by the American Law Institute (ALI), that harmonize and consolidate American Common Law.

As regards business and financial information, however, it contains numerous directories relating to companies, with reports (Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Hoovers' Company Profile Database, Thomson Directories, Bloomberg News and Bloomberg Daily Market, EIU Reports), as well as the full text of numerous magazines. It also gives access to Company Dossier, a specific section containing detailed reports and analyzes relating to companies around the world.

LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.

Digital library of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) which includes:

  • periodical publications: complete full text of journals (Journals, Statistical Periodicals, Reference Works) and Working Papers, in addition to the 2 At a glance publications "OECD factbook" and "STI Scoreboard";
  • monographs: all books and reports published by the OECD;
  • statistics: statistical data can be downloaded as interactive datasets in csv or xls. The data concern the main economic and social indicators for OECD member countries but many indicators are also retrievable for important countries that are not part of the Organization. An alternative access to this data is the OECD.Stat.

Starting from 01/07/2024 OECD is Open Access.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

from 1998

The open access includes several archives concerning the most important public information, gathered in the following main archives:

  • Serie Generale from 1986 and with certified PDF from 2009;
  • Serie Concorsi ed Esami (from 1999);
  • Serie Contratti Pubblici (from 2007);
  • Serie Regioni (from 1988);
  • Foglio delle inserzioni (from 2007). 

The historical archive also gives access to the Official Gazette, Part I published starting from 1946.

Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.

The database was created from the integration of various digital platforms by Wolters Kluwer Italia including CEDAM, UTET Giuridica and IPSOA with a particular focus on the tax law field.

The portal is made up of various archives which lets you consult: legal doctrines, jurisprudence and regional and national legislation, community legislation, practices, forms and accounting and auditing principles. In the menu item "Topics" the main tax issues are described and correlated with the other contents of the database.

The legal doctrines include:

  • 70 journals published by Wolters Kluwer with the full text in PDF
  • Legal codes with commentaries: VAT, TUIR, Indirect taxes and local taxes, Assessment and Collection
  • The platform also provides access to the My Library and Professional Newsstand portals and to IPSOA Quotidiano.

In-depth guides and webinars are available at the page https://helpcenter.onefiscale.wolterskluwer.it/.

To login see the guide How to access Wolters Kluwer Italia databases.

Wolters Kluwer Italia
Access note
Access through IDEM authentication

The database was created through the integration of various digital platforms by Wolters Kluwer Italia including CEDAM, UTET Giuridica and IPSOA.

The portal is made up of various archives which lets you consult: legal doctrines, jurisprudence and regional and national legislation, community legislation, practices, forms and accounting and auditing principles.

The legal doctrines include:

  • 70 journals published by Wolters Kluwer with the full text in PDF format
  • the Digest published by UTET
  • Italian legal codes with commentaries

The platform also provides access to the My Library and Professional Newsstand portals and to IPSOA Quotidiano.

In-depth guides and webinars are available on the page https://helpcenter.onelegale.wolterskluwer.it/.

To login see the guide How to access Wolters Kluwer Italia databases.

Wolters Kluwer Italia

Free access archive edited by the Liberty Fund containing the full text of thousands of books. The subject areas covered, with a focus on individual freedom, are those of Social Sciences and Humanities: economics, law, history, literature, philosophy, political theory, religion. The chronological coverage ranges from ancient times to the present.

Liberty Fund, Inc.

OpenAlex is a citation database dedicated to academic research by OurResearch

OpenAlex, available in open access, indexes scientific articles, books, theses and datasets by connecting the different documents through the relationship between data related to authors, institutions, topics and citations. 

The data in OpenAlex is freely available under the CC0 license and it is possible to download the entire dataset or use the API to perform extractions.


The database links global patent data to the companies and groups that hold them:

  • Patent filing entities (currently 140 million) are linked to a global database of over 420 million companies. This allows an in-depth view of the entire patent portfolios of a company or an entire corporate group.
  • The historical data allow to trace the owners of all valid patents and to analyze all the transactions and changes of ownership concerning each specific patent and to evaluate any anomalies.
  • M&A information for monitoring patents that have been sold as intangible assets in an M&A deal, or seeing when a patent or patent portfolio is sold independently.
  • A proprietary analysis algorithm provides an economic market evaluation of active patents, both quantitative and qualitative, also tracing their temporal variations.
  • Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) to identify technology standards and innovation across portfolios and corporate groups.

The database consists of three different integrated modules:

  • PATENTS Archive: database of over 140 million patents linked to a corporate database.
  • Intellectual Patents Value (IPV): scoring index to assess the "propensity for innovation", calculated through the proprietary Bureau van Dijk algorithm on the basis of patent activity. The index combines over 25 indicators (including number of citations, geographical coverage of the corporate patent portfolio and legal status) for the evaluation of technical innovation, legal protection of the patent portfolio, geographical coverage, competitiveness with respect to competing companies, expenditure on research and development, the distribution of value among the various patents, the value of the portfolio over time and its relevance for the company's activities.
  • Single patent evaluation: access to the estimate of the economic value of the single patent with historical data from 2014. Indication of the range for maximum and minimum value, evaluation based on technical evaluation, geographical coverage by filing authority, market attractiveness and legal protection.

To login see the guide How to access Bureau van Dijk databases.

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)

up to ten years of history

The database contains information on M&A, IPO, Private Equity and Venture Capital operations and related rumors from around the world, with historical series and without limits for the deal size.

Orbis M&A is constantly updated and provides direct links to the financial statements of the companies involved in the deals.

The resource allows you to:

  • view the overview of the companies involved in the deal (personal information, type of activity, identification codes, main financial data);
  • access the financial statements of the individual companies involved thanks to the connection with the other Bureau van Dijk databases (Aida, Bankscope, Orbis) subscribed by the Luiss Library;
  • fulfill searches by company name, identification codes, type of deal (acquisition, merger, demerger, IPO, joint venture, etc.), geographical area, business sector, rumors, multiples, etc .;
  • fulfill research on companies that have divested;
  • obtain all information on company or bank deals in historical series;
  • obtain information on the deal, indicating the target company, acquiror and vendor;
  • sort the deals by date (ascending/descending), by value (ascending/descending) or by status (rumors/completed);
  • obtain financial information of the target company before the deal: turnover, EBITDA, EBIT, profit before/after taxes, total assets, shareholders' equity, shareholder funds and market capitalization;
  • obtain data on multiples: Deal Value/EBITDA, Deal Value/Total Asset, Deal Value/Turnover, etc .;
  • obtain data on deal value, deal equity value, deal enterprise value, modeled enterprise value and total target value;
  • obtain information on Stock Price by target, acquiror and vendor before and after the closing of the deal.

To login see the guide How to access Bureau van Dijk databases.

At the end of 2022 Orbis M&A has replaced Zephyr.

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)

from 1997

Orbis is the data resource on private companies for financial analysis relating to approximately 180 million entities, individuals, banks and insurance companies from all over the world (the Library subscribes to the All Companies version which is the largest).

For each company Orbis contains:

  • financial information in historical series up to 10 years;
  • information on groups and relationships between companies (shareholding and shareholdings up to the tenth level);
  • historical shareholder data;
  • complete company details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail, business description, year of incorporation, number of employees);
  • information on corporate ownership (position currently held, positions held in the past, relationship analysis up to the third level).

Main features of the platform:

  • searching for companies by name, tax code, business sector, geographical area, number of employees, balance sheet items, economic-financial indicators, status and legal form;
  • creating lists and samples of companies and carry out customized benchmark analyzes;
  • consulting, for each entity, complete reports with company details, headquarters, economic-financial data, information on ownership;
  • exporting all available information in various formats (Excel, Word, etc.) elaborate comparisons and calculate sector averages. 

It also includes:

  • financial statements in the original pdf version for Italian companies (integration of Aida optical financial statements module);
  • share value of listed companies;
  • ESG reputational risk ratings and metrics;
  • field studies;
  • economic news;
  • M&A deals and rumors (link to Zephyr)

The database also absorbed the contents of the Osiris database which was deactivated.

To login see the guide How to access Bureau van Dijk databases.

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)

last 10 years

Platform of the publisher Oxford University Press that provides annotated bibliographies on general topics and specific authors and allows the search for accurate and authoritative sources. Each bibliography is introduced by an encyclopedic entry that gives a definition of the topic; this is followed by the annotated bibliography, divided into sections relating to a particular type of publication or a specific aspect of the subject matter; each section is preceded by a background note and each bibliographic reference is accompanied by a brief explanatory note. The citations reported in the Oxford Bibliographies are related to articles, books, online resources, multimedia, primary sources.

Content is updated monthly and reviewed annually through a peer-review process.

The Library has access to the following subject modules:

  • Anthropology
  • International Relations
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

Accessibility Policy

Trial ends on August 27, 2024.

Oxford University Press

Handbooks published by Oxford University Press within the following collections:

  • Business and Management: Foundation (before 2012)
  • Economics and Finance: 2013 e 2016-2020
  • Law: Foundation (before 2012), 2015 e 2016-2024
  • Philosophy: Foundation (before 2012)
  • Political Science: Foundation (before 2012), 2012-2024

Accessibility Policy

Oxford University Press

Textbooks platform published by Oxford University Press in the field of Law. The Library subscribes the EU Law 2023 collection with the following full text titles:

  • European Union Law, 4th edition (2023), Barnard & Peers (eds)
  • Steiner & Woods EU Law, 15th edition (2023), Costa & Peers
  • EU Law: Directions, 8th edition (2023), Foster
  • Harris, O'Boyle & Warbrick: Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, 5th edition (2023), Harris et al
  • EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, & Materials, 8th edition (2023), Jones, Sufrin & Dunne
  • Essential Cases: EU Law, 7th edition (2023), O'Meara
  • An Introduction to European Law, 4th edition (2023), Schütze
  • The Substantive Law of the EU, 7th edition (2022), Barnard
  • Complete EU Law, 5th edition (2022), Berry, Homewood & Bogusz
  • Foster on EU Law, 8th edition (2021), Foster
  • European Union Law, 11th edition (2021), Horspool, Humphreys & Wells-Greco
  • European Constitutional Law, 3rd edition (2021), Schütze
  • European Union Law, 3rd edition (2021), Schütze
  • Competition Law, 10th edition (2021), Whish & Bailey
  • EU Law: Text, Cases, & Materials, 7th edition (2020), Craig & De Búrca
  • EU Law in the UK, 1st edition (2020), de Mars
  • Jacobs, White & Ovey: European Convention on Human Rights, 8th edition (2020), Rainey, Wicks & Ovey
  • Competition Law of the EU & UK, 8th edition (2019), Marco Colino
  • Concentrate EU Law, 8th edition (2022), Homewood
  • Concentrate Q&A EU Law, 3rd edition (2020), Foster
  • Legal Ethics, 3rd edition (2023), Herring (Available from October 2023)

Accessibility Policy

Oxford University Press

Textbooks platform published by Oxford University Press in the field of Politics. The library subscribes the Full collection 2023 that includes the sub-collections International Relations, European Union, Introduction to politics, Political Theory and Political Philosophy providing access to more than 50 full text titles, including:

  • Comparative Politics, 6th edition (2023), Caramani
  • Introduction to Politics, 5th edition (2023), Garner, Ferdinand, & Lawson
  • Security Studies: Critical Perspective, 1st edition (2023), Grayson
  • International Relations and the European Union, 4th edition (2023), Hill, Smith, & Vanhoonacker
  • Global Politics, 1st edition (2023), Hirst, Merich, Hoover, & Roccu
  • Global Political Economy, 1st edition (2023), Phillips
  • Rethinking Political Thinkers, 1st edition (2023), Ramgotra & Choat
  • The Globalization of World Politics, 9th edition (2022), Baylis, Smith, & Owens
  • Strategy in the Contemporary World, 7th edition (2022), Baylis, Wirtz, & Johnson
  • I-PEEL: The International Political Economy of Everyday Life, 1st edition (2022), Brassett, Elias, Rethel, & Richardson
  • European Union Politics, 7th edition (2022), Cini & Perez-Solorzano Borragan
  • Contemporary Security Studies, 6th edition (2022), Collins
  • Human Rights: Politics and Practice, 4th edition (2022), Goodhart
  • Contemporary Terrorism Studies, 1st edition (2022), Muro & Wilson
  • The Institutions of the European Union, 5th edition (2021), Hodson & Peterson
  • Introduction to International Relations, 8th edition (2021), Jackson, Sorensen, & Møller
  • Global Politics, 1st edition (2021), Lawson
  • Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 1st edition (2021), Morin, Olsson, & Atikcan
  • The Politics of International Law, 1st edition (2021), Scicluna
  • Global Environmental Politics, 1st edition (2020), Morin, Orsini, & Jinnah
  • Global Political Economy, 6th edition (2020), Ravenhill
  • Policy-Making in the European Union, 8th edition (2020), Wallace et al
  • International Relations Since 1945, 3rd edition (2020, Young & Kent
  • How to do your Social Research Project or Dissertation, 1st edition (2019), Clark, Foster, & Bryman
  • International Relations of the Middle East, 5th edition (2019), Fawcett
  • Democracies and Authoritarian Regimes, 1st edition (2019), Kendall-Taylor, Lindstaedt, & Frantz
  • Democratization, 2nd edition (2018), Haerpfer et al
  • Origins and Evolution of the European Union, 2nd edition (2014), Dinan
  • Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2nd edition (2001), Kymlicka

Accessibility Policy

Oxford University Press

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL) provides full text access to over 180 editions of reference works published by Oxford University Press such as Oppenheim, and Oxford Commentaries on International Law.

Accessibility Policy

Oxford University Press

Pandoracampus is a platform for the digital lending of a selection of handbooks published by Il Mulino, De Agostini Scuola (ISEDI e UTET Università), and Carocci. The collection contains almost 140 titles in Politics both in Italian and in English. If available, access is also provided to any supplementary materials, such as exercises, flashcards and insights. 

It is possible to work on books by underlining, copying portions of text and inserting annotations or questions. Special attention is paid to accessibility: you can choose between three different text sizes, select from five available typefaces, including OpenDyslexic, a font made to be particularly suitable for reading dyslexic people, change the color combination of the content. Furthermore, a speech synthesis function is integrated inside the reader for reading aloud.

Students can borrow 2 books at the same time up to 90 days (60 days for standard loans). If the activation of the lending is made accidentally, you can ask for the cancellation within 6 days by writing an e-mail to reference@luiss.it.

Students: access through IDEM authentication or through a personal registration with Luiss account (@studenti.luiss.it). See the guide How to access Pandoracampus.

Faculty can access Pandoracampus services following a different procedure reserved to teachers: for those professors who would like to evaluate the acquisition of one or more titles, it is required to fulfill a registration and ask for the free access. Requests will be evaluated by the publisher.

Accessibility Policy (IT)

Il Mulino
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Access through IDEM authentication or through personal registration with Luiss account (see Allowed Domains)

Digital Library with a selection of books published by Pearson in the field of Social Sciences which belong to the Library's Course Reserves. 

Using the Bookshelf Reader it is possible to underline the text or write notes which can be exported in OneNote. It is available the option of the loud reading. Books can not be exported or printed.

To access the Bookshelf Reader it is required to fulfill a free registration with the Luiss account. The offline reading is allowed once the app Bookshelf has been downloaded on personal devices. The title will be available in Bookshelf up to 24h also renewable.

Accessibility Policy

Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account for Bookshelf.

Online Library with unlimited access to over 900,000 textbooks and academic resources by several national and international publishers such as Pearson, Routledge, Simon&Schuster, Kaplan, Bloomsbury, Princeton University Press, Yale University Press, Cengage Learning, Wiley, LUISS University Press, Laterza, Mondadori.

The platform provides tools to highlight, save notes, and create reading lists to be shared with the academic community. Titles are interdisciplinary with numerous topics from Arts to Economics, from Law to STEM.

See the guides for further information:

See the guide How to access Perlego.

Accessibility Policy

Perlego Ltd

The open access platform provides various materials for studies in the Italian telecom industry. The main available sectors on the resource are publishing, television, cinema, new media, radio, sport. Datasets are published with hypertexts, tables, graphs and statistics also downloadable in excel.

Editoriale Genesis

Project Syndicate is an international non-profit organization founded by an association of publishers and periodicals. The website provides contents translated into 15 languages made by a network of academics, activists, politicians, economists, Nobel prices, intellectuals and leaders of the business world.

The topics cover economic policy, world growth and sustainable development, human rights, the environment from a global geopolitical point of view, culture, innovation.

Project Syndicate

Citation database of biomedical literature starting from 1946.

It contains over 23 milions of citations from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Most records provide also the link to the full text when available.

US National Library of Medicine; National Institutes of Health

Rivisteweb is the online archive of the journals published by Il Mulino (currently over 50 titles are available in electronic version).

Coverage starts from 1997 for publications in the fields of History, Philosophy, Linguistics and Literary criticism, Music, Psychology, Political sciences, Economics, and Law.

Articles are in pdf and reproduce the original printed version. 

Il Mulino

The database provides in-deep quantitative and qualitative methods for the scientific research. It collects and gives access to the classic bibliographic materials (ebooks, Reference works and multimedia contents as Videos. The Library subscribes the Core Ebooks module and the Market Research Videos.

The platform provides also specific tools for configuring and managing the research results like the Methods Map, the Project Planner, and the Which Stats Test.

By registering the personal login it is possible to create reading lists and save collections of materials both private and public to be shared.

For further information see the use guide at the page SAGE Research Methods LibGuide.

Accessibility Policy

SAGE Publications

The database provides citations and abstracts from scientific literature and other several online sources in the fields of Humanities and Social sciences.

Cited titles are journal articles, proceedings, books, webpages, and patents. 

Elsevier B.V.

Online access to the electronic version of the yearbook published by Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) from 2010. The Library subscribes issues until 2019.

SIPRI Yearbook is dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control, and disarmament..

Oxford University Press


The collection contains 60 peer-reviewed journals published by Springer and Palgrave Macmillan which are available on the SpringerLink platform.

Main topics are Humanistic Social Science, Social Sciences, Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Politics, International Relations and Cultural Studies.

Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature

The database provides access to over 1.900 full text journals published by Springer.

It includes contents in several disciplinary fields within Architecture, Arts and Design, Behavioral Sciences, Economics and Management, Informatics, Engineering, Human Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics.

The Library subscribes the access also to the full text of around 900 journals published from the first issue until 1996:

  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Engineering;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Mathematics;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Medicine;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Behavioral Sciences;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Computer Sciences;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Physics and Astronomy;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Business and Economics;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Biomedical and Life Sciences;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Chemistry and Materials Science;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Earth and Environmental Sciences;
  • SpringerLink Historical Archives Humanities, Social Science, and Law.

Full text e-books published by Springer within the following collections:

  • Business & Economics: books with copyright 2010-2015 and 2005.
  • Business & Management: books with copyright 2016-2024.
  • Computer Science: books with copyright 2021-2024 (included the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  • Earth and Environmental Science: books with copyright 2021-2024.
  • Economics and Finance: books with copyright 2021-2024.
  • Humanities, Social Sciences and Law: books with copyright 2012-2015.
  • Law & Criminology: books with copyright 2016-2024.
  • Mathematics & Statistics: books with copyright 2021-2024.
  • Political Science and International Studies: books with copyright 2021-2024.
  • Social Sciences: books with copyright 2021-2024.

Accessibility Policy


Electronic collection with the full text books published by Springer in the series Lecture Notes in Mathematics.

The access for all titles starts from the first number (1964) to today.

Accessibility Policy


from 1964

Statista.com provides statistics, reports, dossiers and studies, and previsional data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,000 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish. 

From 2018 it is online the Global Consumer Survey, a tool for analyses of consumer behavior and media usage in the on- and offline world based on the data of 700,000 consumers from 55 countries, who were surveyed about 50 topics and 6,500 brands. In this section some extra contents and specifics are available, for example the European Football Benchmark to compare fan opinions on the 5 big European leagues (included the Italian) and other trending topics.

Main characteristics and contents:

  • large amount of topics among which Media, Social Networks, Telecommunications, Business, Digital markets, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
  • market research as well as research and analysis services for several industry sectors
  • over 150 Country reports
  • market sizes, forecasts and other indicators for the digital economy and key consumer markets
  • customized Infographics, videos, presentations and publications.
Statista GmbH

The platform provides access to the e-journals published by Taylor & Francis within the Social Sciences and Humanities collection which contains also these sub-disciplines: Economics, Finance,Business & Industry, Law, Communication Studies, Humanities, Politics & International Relations, Health and Social Care, Social Sciences, Tourism,Hospitality and Events, Urban Studies.

Taylor & Francis

from 1997

Data provider in support of academic excellence. It provides rankings, data, analysis and benchmarking that can help universities to analyze the international reality and their positioning.

THE publishes the World University Rankings, annual lists of universities worldwide with over 1,600 institutions in 99 countries in 2022. The ranking rates research-intensive universities in each of their main missions: teaching (the environment of learning); research (volume, income and reputation), international perspectives (personnel, students and research); citations (influence on research); sector income (knowledge transfer).

It also publishes the Europe Teaching Ranking, a survey of over 30,000 university students that, in addition to commitment, measures student achievement, the diversity of institutional environments and the resources universities have to teach effectively.

Lastly, it allows you to view the rankings results on the basis of a navigation by disciplines.

The Library's subscription provides access to the sections: News, Data (analysis and insights on Rankings), Opinion, Features (comments and editorials), Jobs (specific vacancies in the university environment), Book reviews, Magazine archive.

Since 2021 they have added the Campus section, dedicated to sharing resources, best practices, case studies about the reality of teaching and learning with particular attention to digital and distance learning.

More information at the page of the subscription details.

TES Global Limited
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account

Online platform of The New York Times. The Library's subscription provides access to: 

The subscription also gives access to the educational platforms inEducation (resources created for students and faculties in several disciplinary areas) and The Learning Network.

Access through personal registration only with your Luiss account. Access also through the app: download the app and access it with the same credentials used for the nytimes.com.

Please note that the pass to access The New York Times expires after 364 days. To renew the password you need to login in the personal area and click on the page of the first registration; at this point the system will recognize you and send a confirmation e-mail for another 364 day renewal. 

The New York Times Company
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account

from 1851

Full access to the WSJ platform with the following benefits:

  • Real time information about 30,000 companies, 31 sectors and 3,000 fundamental topics;
  • In-deep reports about the most relevant news and analysis to compare new trends with the most recent business strategies;
  • Real time news and data with tools and interactive graphs by accessing the "Market Data";
  • Over 7 years archive of the newspaper;
  • Saving and sharing the preferred articles;
  • Reading, downloading or printing the PDF version of the e-Paper (US Edition)
  • Go mobile: App WSJ for Amazon, Android, Apple at the page https://now.wsj.com/mobile/
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Digital Library with the following dictionaries:

  • Lo Zingarelli: Italian dictionary (Zanichelli, 2023)
  • Il Ragazzini: English- Italian and Italian–English dictionary (Zanichelli, 2019)
  • Il dizionario di cinese: Chinese-Italian and Italian-Chinese dictionary by Zhao Xiuying (Zanichelli, 2013)
  • A dictionary of economics by John Black, Nigar Hashimzade, Gareth D. Myles (Oxford University Press, 2017)
  • A dictionary of business and management edited by Jonathan Law (Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • Oxford Dictionary of English (Oxford University Press, 2012)
  • Il Boch : French-Italian and Italian-French dictionary (Zanichelli, 2020)
  • Il Kovalev : IRusian-italian and ital'jansko russkij slovar' dictionary (Zanichelli, 2014)
  • Il grande dizionario di spagnolo : Spanish-Italian and italiano español dictionary (Zanichelli, 2012)
  • Il nuovo dizionario di tedesco : German-Italian and Italian-german dictionary (Zanichelli, 2019)
  • Collins English Dictionary: complete and unabridged (Collins, 2018)
  • Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache: das einsprachige Wörterbuch für alle, die Deutsch lernen (Langenscheidt, 2008)
Gruppo Meta

Serials directory which covers any topic and worldwide titles. It allows the browsing by subject. 

The bibliographic records provide information about the publication and the publisher, the history of the title, indication about the contents and availability both in printed and electronic versions with the link to the journal official website when available. 

Electronic version of the historical directory published since 1932. 


Edited by UN Statistics Division, UN COMTRADE provides detailed statistics on imports and exports of goods and services reported by the statistical authorities of nearly 200 countries/areas since 1962. It is considered to be the most complete database on commerce with ten billions of data.

Premium subscription includes bulk and delivery download from the platform and unlimited API. To generate the API key, once registered for the first time at https://comtradeplus.un.org/, follow instructions on UN Comtrade API Management.

User guide at the page: https://unstats.un.org/wiki/display/comtrade/UN+Comtrade.

Access through a personal registration with Luiss account (@studenti.luiss.it, @luiss.it, @luissbusinessschool.it). From the home page, click on "Login" top right and the on "Sign up now". To register an individual Premium account see the guide How to access UN Comtrade.

UN Statistics Division Trade Statistics office
Allowed Domains
studenti.luiss.it, luiss.it, luissbusinessschool.it, luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissbusinessschool.it, studenti.luissbusinessschool.nl, studenti.luissexecutivemanagementeducation.it
Access note
Access through personal registration with Luiss account. The Library members and Alumni can access the resource from the Library computers only

Full text access to 12 journals published by University of Chicago Press

  • American Journal of Sociology,
  • Comparative Education Review,
  • Economic Development and Cultural Change,
  • Innovation Policy and the Economy,
  • Journal of Labor Economics,
  • The Journal of Law and Economics,
  • The Journal of Legal Studies,
  • The Journal of Modern History,
  • Journal of Political Economy,
  • NBER Macroeconomics Annual,
  • Philosophy of Science,
  • Signs.
The University of Chicago Press

The resource is the web-tv version of the MultiMedia Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences published by Rai and by and the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici which provides a selection of high-quality videos with over 1,500 interview-lessons to philosophers, scientists, historians, economists, jurists, and intellectuals from 34 Countries in the world.

The archive, continuously updated, contains also a selection form the multimedia catalog Teche Rai with the most relevant cultural tv talks and scientific productions of the Italian public telecommunications in over half century. 

Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana; Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici; Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana

The database collects the citations done by scientific authors to create links and relations between titles with similar topics. By doing so, the resource produces indexes of international scientific periodicals and academic books. It contains the following archives:

  • Science Citation index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED): from 1985
  • Social Science Citation Index (SSCI): from 1985
  • Art and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI): from 1985
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH): from 1990
  • Book Citation Index– Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH): from 2005
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); from 2015

form 1985

Large US global legal research portal with over 28,000 databases of jurisprudence, legislation, statutory audits, treaties relating to both the United States and the European Union and other countries around the world.

On Westlaw International are also available the Restatements of the Law, a set of treatises on specific legal subjects published by the American Law Institute (ALI), that harmonize and consolidate American Common Law (to view the Restatements list you have to open first a session on the database by clicking on the link https://tinyurl.com/y6x5lmvw).

It also contains more than 1,000 scientific and newspaper periodicals of both legal and economic content drawn from the businesses of Thomson Reuters, including Sweet & Maxwell, Ellis Publications, Carswell and Westlaw.

Thomson Reuters

Full text of over 2,800 e-books published by Wiley within the disciplinary collection titled Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting.

  • Accounting
  • Business & Management
  • Economics
  • Finance and Investments

Accessibility Policy

John Wiley & Sons

from 2000

The database collects the full text journals published by Wiley and those published by Blackwell. The titles are over 1,300 covering several disciplinary areas: Education, Engineering, Law, Mathematics and Statistics, Psychology, Social sciences. 

The Library subscribes also various collections with the full text of over 150 journals from the first issue until 1996:

  • Business and Management
  • Economics
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Law
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Sociology
  • Social Policy
  • Social Welfare and Anthropology
John Wiley & Sons

Platform by the Wolters Kluwer Italia publishing group which provides access to the Italian journals published by its IPSOA, CEDAM and UTET Giuridica.

The Library subscribes several titles. 

To login see the guide How to access Wolters Kluwer Italia databases.

Some of the available journals are:

  • ADL Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro (CEDAM)
  • Amministrazione e finanza (IPSOA)
  • Corriere tributario (IPSOA)
  • Contratti (IPSOA)
  • Corriere Giuridico (IPSOA)
  • Diritto Fallimentare e delle Società Commerciali (CEDAM)
  • Fallimento e le altre Procedure Concorsuali (IPSOA)
  • Giurisprudenza Italiana (UTET Giuridica)
  • Rivista di Diritto Civile (CEDAM)
  • Le Società (IPSOA)
Wolters Kluwer Italia

Electronic version of the Yearbook published by the European Audiovisual Observatory which offers stats and financial data about Audiovisual industry and market of 36 European countries. In particular, the focus is on TV and its trends, film and home video. Datasets are available in Excel.

The Library provides access to the Yearbook of the following: 

Avialable in English, French, German. 

Access notes

2005-2014: use the Luiss account to access the resource;

2014-2019: require the credentials by sending e-mail to reference@luiss.it.

European Audiovisual Observatory