Patrons can ask for journal articles or book chapters not owned by the Library or by other libraries in Rome.
What document can be requested?
Journal articles or book chapters that the Luiss Library does not own and that are not available in other libraries in Rome (please check on the national online catalog - SBN).
How many documents can be requested?
To guarantee the full efficiency of the service, we suggest not to exceed 10 requests per week and in any case never more than 5 per day.
How much does the service cost?
The service is for free if the lending library accepts free reciprocity of document exchanges. In the lending library requests a refund of expenses, the Librarian will inform the user before submitting the request (as a rule, refunds of more than € 6 are not proceeded).
How long does it take to receive the documents?
Approximately 6/7 working days depending on the lending library. Luiss Library handles the requests within 2 business days.
Once the documents have been delivered, the Library will inform the requester.
Documents will be placed in the lockers of the Periodicals Room B for self-service pick up. In the notification the Librarian will indicate the number for identify the requested document.
How documents can be requested?
Users can forward requests by filling out the online form with personal data and bibliographic information about the document.
Who can access the service?
Italian libraries, academic and not, which need to access Luiss Library collections and which do not operate in Rome.
Requests from Libraries based in Rome will be evaluated according to the affinity of the holdings of the borrowing Library, and, after one year, they will be screened again on the basis of the effective reciprocity of exchanges.
Personal requests are not allowed.
What documents can be requested?
Journal articles or book chapters owned by the Luiss Library, in compliance with the current legislation on copyright.
How many documents can be requested?
Borrowing libraries can request up to 2 documents at a time and, in any case, up to 5 per month.
In the event that, during the year, a situation of strong imbalance arises between requested articles and articles supplied to specific institutions, the Luiss Library will provide appropriate communication on the matter and will suspend the provision of the service until this imbalance has not decreased, following our new requests to the relevant Library.
This imbalance is estimated at a difference of 10 requests and the evasion of new practices by the Luiss Library will resume as soon as the imbalance has fallen below this quota.
How much the service does it cost?
The Document Delivery is for free if the borrowing library accepts free reciprocity of document exchanges.
If the borrowing Library will not guarantee free reciprocity, otherwise the refund is 1/2 IFLA voucher per article.
How long does it take to receive the documents?
Luiss Library undertakes to reply, even if negatively, within 5 working days of receiving the request.
How can Libraries do a request?
We suggest to forward the request via NILDE. Alternatively, it is possible to send an e-mail to with providing all needed bibliographic information for each document to request.