Electronic resources A-Z List

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Historical series (financial and macro data) and financial data on common stocks, market indices, bonds, interest and exchange rates, macroeconomic data, Futures and Options, Warrants, Commodities, Bond Indices and CDS.

It also contains IBES estimates, Worldscope balance sheet data and ASSET4 Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG) data. Access to the data is through the Excel add-in.

At the terminals of the Library's Economics Room (library01@luiss.it user) users can also access the following J.P. Morgan Indices: EMBI (Emerging Market Bond Index), GBI (Government Bond Index), GBI-EM (Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets).

Datastream Charting is the graphical analysis tool which is integrated in Excel to download a wide range of graphs on the above contents (also for current affairs and News) and / or to create customizable graphs and transfer them to Power Point, Word, Excel. The Datastream series are also integrated on the Refinitiv Workspace platform.

Webinars and specific trainings are available on Refinitiv Academy. More information on the contents and how to use: LSEG Refinitiv web page and video tutorial.

For the free LSEG Certification program visit the page LSEG certification program.

See the guide How to access LSEG Workspace and Datastream.

Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business
Access note
Access provided for students and Faculty members. To activate a temporary license, write to reference@luiss.it

Dealroom is one of the most comprehensive global provider of data and intelligence on startups and tech ecosystems. Dealroom team works with many of the world's most prominent investors, entrepreneurs, and government organizations to provide transparency, analysis, and insights on venture capital activity.

Global data coverage includes:

  • 3M+ companies globally
  • 2.1M+ startups and 640K+ rounds
  • 150K+ investors and 605K+ people
  • 100+ data points on each company

Dealroom collects data combining machine learning and data engineering with robust verification processes and a strong network of ecosystems. Real-time data and predictive technology are used with powerful algorithms. More info about how Dealroom collects data are available here.

A new section dedicated to sectors, especially emerging ones, is available with an extremely detailed taxonomy.

Multiples: Comparisons can be made between key financial metrics from similar companies, such as EV/Revenue, EV/EBITDA, and a more comprehensive set of valuation multiples, which can be analyzed by geography or verticals.

Definitions, Features, and other relevant information on Dealroom are available on their Knowledge Base.

Access note
To request the access send an e-mail to reference@luiss.it