Foro Plus: La banca dati de Il Foro Italiano

The database contains several archives:

  • Il Foro Italiano with materials published in the journal from 1987.
  • Biblioteca riviste collects all the articles and case notes published in La Tribuna journals. The publications can be downloaded in pdf starting from 2010 or from the first issue of the publication for the most recent ones.
  • Giurisprudenza includes the abstracts of the official cases published in the CED as well as in Il Repertorio del Foro Italiano since 1981.
  • Bibliografia includes the bibliographic references published in Il Foro Italiano from 1981.
  • Cassazione Civile includes the cases and the relative official abstracts from 1997, in addition to the official abstracts published in Il Massimario del Foro italiano from 1990.
  • Cassazione Penale includes the decisions and the relative official abstracts from 2009, in addition to the official abstracts published in Il Massimario del Foro Italiano from the same year. It also contains a selection of decisions relating to previous years.
  • Merito e extra contains, since 2006: a collection of measures of merit unpublished in the review "Il Foro Italiano" and the extrapolation of the relevant points relevant to the decision, classified according to the items and sub-items of the Repertory of "Il Foro Italiano".
  • Dottrina contains a selection of handbooks published by Giappichelli.
  • Legislazione (4 codes and complementary laws) contains the essential legislation for legals.
Il Foro italiano; La Tribuna