Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)

Legal and economic information platform designed for academic research. It provides access to over 35,000 sources, including news, legal information, business, international legislation, newspapers and the FT Financial Times full-text cover-to-cover, as well as company and country profiles, demographic and market research , reports and industrial analyzes.

Regarding legal information, it documents American and European legislation and jurisprudence, most of the full-text English-language legal journals including the major journals of American law schools, ABA publications, as well as all the Case American Law, Administrative Codes, Federal and State, etc.

On Nexis Uni are also available the Restatements of the Law, a set of treatises on specific legal subjects published by the American Law Institute (ALI), that harmonize and consolidate American Common Law.

As regards business and financial information, however, it contains numerous directories relating to companies, with reports (Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Hoovers' Company Profile Database, Thomson Directories, Bloomberg News and Bloomberg Daily Market, EIU Reports), as well as the full text of numerous magazines. It also gives access to Company Dossier, a specific section containing detailed reports and analyzes relating to companies around the world.

LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.