
The database contains information on public and private banks from around the world. The data is available in various formats including:

  • Global Standard Format with 57 internationally standardized balance sheet items
  • Global Detailed Format with over 650 internationally standardized variables
  • National "as filed" Format, also in original language, with over 3,000 items
  • 38 pre-calculated balance sheet ratios

Among the various modules that can be consulted there are:

  • Ownership Manager and exponents (Contacts)
  • Original Documents in pdf, which can also be reached by clicking on the individual financial indicators within the source
  • News reports
  • Factiva Dow Jones

To login see the guide How to access Moody's Analytics databases (formerly Bureau van Dijk).

Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)
Access note
5 concurrent users

according to the available archived data