The database contains information on M&A, IPO, Private Equity and Venture Capital operations and related rumors from around the world, with historical series and without limits for the deal size.
Orbis M&A is constantly updated and provides direct links to the financial statements of the companies involved in the deals.
The resource allows you to:
- view the overview of the companies involved in the deal (personal information, type of activity, identification codes, main financial data);
- access the financial statements of the individual companies involved thanks to the connection with the other Bureau van Dijk databases (Aida, Bankscope, Orbis) subscribed by the Luiss Library;
- fulfill searches by company name, identification codes, type of deal (acquisition, merger, demerger, IPO, joint venture, etc.), geographical area, business sector, rumors, multiples, etc .;
- fulfill research on companies that have divested;
- obtain all information on company or bank deals in historical series;
- obtain information on the deal, indicating the target company, acquiror and vendor;
- sort the deals by date (ascending/descending), by value (ascending/descending) or by status (rumors/completed);
- obtain financial information of the target company before the deal: turnover, EBITDA, EBIT, profit before/after taxes, total assets, shareholders' equity, shareholder funds and market capitalization;
- obtain data on multiples: Deal Value/EBITDA, Deal Value/Total Asset, Deal Value/Turnover, etc .;
- obtain data on deal value, deal equity value, deal enterprise value, modeled enterprise value and total target value;
- obtain information on Stock Price by target, acquiror and vendor before and after the closing of the deal.
To login see the guide How to access Moody's Analytics databases (formerly Bureau van Dijk).
At the end of 2022 Orbis M&A has replaced Zephyr.
Moody's Analytics (former Bureau van Dijk)
Access note
4 concurrent users
from 1997